To find file/s with specific name
find /directory_to_search -name file_name
when omitted QSYS.LIB
find / -type d -name QSYS.LIB -prune -o -name 'file_name' -print
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) command is used for installing, uninstalling, upgrading, querying, listing, and checking packages.
View | Description |
AUTHORIZATIONS | orfe authorization ID |
CHARACTER_SETS | orfe CCSID supported |
CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | orfe check constraint |
COLUMN_PRIVILEGES | orfe privilege granted on a column |
COLUMNS | orfe column |
INFORMATION_SCHEMA_CATALOG_NAME | one row for the relational database |
Table/View | Description |
SYSCATALOGS | orfe relational database that a user can connect to |
SYSCHKCST | orfe check constraint in the SQL schema |
SYSCOLAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a column |
SYSCOLUMNS | orfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema |
SYSCOLUMNS2 | orfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema |
ALCOBJ - to allocate object
DLCOBJ - to deallocate object
Valid lock states:
IPL SRC Function Performed C1xx 1xxx Service Processor ROS IPL in progress C1xx 1006 Service processor ROS loading RAM from MFIOP directed device C1xx 1007 Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from MFIOP directed device C1xx 1008 Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from non-MFIOP directed device C1xx 1009 Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from non-MFIOP directed device C1xx 1016 Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from MFIOP default device