By kimot, 25 December, 2022
AUTHORIZATIONSorfe authorization ID
CHECK_CONSTRAINTSorfe check constraint
COLUMN_PRIVILEGESorfe privilege granted on a column
COLUMNSorfe column
INFORMATION_SCHEMA_CATALOG_NAMEone row for the relational database


By kimot, 24 December, 2022
SYSCATALOGSorfe relational database that a user can connect to
SYSCHKCSTorfe check constraint in the SQL schema
SYSCOLAUTHorfe privilege granted on a column
SYSCOLUMNSorfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema
SYSCOLUMNS2orfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema


By kimot, 24 December, 2022

ALCOBJ - to allocate object
DLCOBJ - to deallocate object

Valid lock states:


By kimot, 24 December, 2022
IPL  SRC   Function Performed
C1xx 1xxx  Service Processor ROS IPL in progress
C1xx 1006  Service processor ROS loading RAM from MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1007  Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1008  Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from non-MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1009  Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from non-MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1016  Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from MFIOP default device


By kimot, 24 December, 2022
// Definition of a constant
DCL-C   max_size 100;
DCL-C   max_size CONST(100);
DCL-C   file_name 'example.txt';

// Variable definition 
DCL-S   file_name CHAR(10);      CHAR(bytes)  ... bytes count between 1 and 16,773,104
DCL-C   msg_len 5000;
DCL-S   message CHAR(msg_len);   (5000 bytes)

DCL-S   city VARCHAR(33);        VARCHAR(bytes).. bytes count between 1 and 16,773,104
DCL-S   cmdparm VARCHAR(10:4);   :2 or 4 byte prfx stores the length of the item

DCL-S   some_number INT(10);     INT(digits)  ...
