By kimot, 30 December, 2022

Parameters : 
QUSRBRM.MEDIA_LIBRARY_MEDIA_INFO (MEDIA_LIBRARY => media-library, VOLUME_ID => volume-id, CATEGORY => category, BRM_VOLUME => brm-volume, MEDIA_CLASS => media-class, BRMS_STATUS => brms-status) 

category : *ALL / *EJECT / *INSERT / *IPL / *NL (non labeled)/*NOSHARE / *SHARE400 
brm-volume : *ANY / *NO (non-BRMS) / *YES (BRMS)
media-class : *ALL / media-class-name
brms-status : *ALL / *ACT / *ERR / *EXP / *INZ

Error messages returned by this procedure :

By kimot, 29 December, 2022

MEDIA_LIBRARY_INFO view returns information that can also be seen through the Work with Media Library Status (WRKMLBSTS) command interface

By kimot, 25 December, 2022
activemqApache ActiveMQ - message broker written in java ( )
ansibleIT automation system ( )
antApache Ant - tool for building Java applications ( )
ant-docDocumentation files for Apache Ant
autoconfMacros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages
