alias - define or display aliases
bg - move jobs to the background
cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
catsplf - concatenate and print spool files (QSH command)
cd - change the shell working directory
chgrp - change group ownership
chmod - change file mode bits
chown - change file owner and group
chroot - run command or interactive shell with special root directory
clear - clear the terminal screen
cmp - compare two files byte by byte
cp - copy files and directories
dataq - send or receive messages from i5/OS data queue (IBM i/QSH command)
datarea - read or write i5/OS(TM) data area (IBM i/QSH command)
date - print or set the system date and time
db2 - to run SQL statements directly, interactively, or from a file (IBM i/QSH command)
df - report file system disk space usage
diff - compare files line by line
diff3 - compare three files line by line
dircmp - compare two directories and the contents of their
common files
du - estimate file space usage
echo - write arguments to the standard output
env - run a program in a modified environment
fg - move job to the foreground
find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
getjobid - writes the qualified job name and process ID for the specified process to standard output
grep - print lines matching a pattern
head - output the first part of files
jobs - display status of jobs
kill - send signals to processes, or list signals
liblist - add or remove libraries from the library list or set the current library (IBM i command)
ls - list directory contents
mkdir - make directories
more - display the contents of files one screen at a time
mv - move (rename) files
nice - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nl - number lines of files
printenv - print all or part of environment
ps - show current status of processes
pwd - print the name of the current working directory
pwdx - print working directory expanded (IBM i/QSH command)
reset - initialize a terminal
rm - remove files or directories
rmdir - remove empty directories
sdiff - side-by-side merge of file differences
stat - display file or file system status
system - run a CL command (IBM i command)
sysval - run the QShell sysval command to display an IBM i
system value or network attribute (IBMi command)
tail - output the last part of files
tar - archiving utility
time - time functions for gawk
touch - change file timestamps
uname - print system information
uniq - report or omit repeated lines
wc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
which - prints location of command/program
yum - package manager for RPM packages
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