By kimot, 27 December, 2022 PASE - how to remove file from *.jar archive zip -d file.jar some_file.txt
By kimot, 25 December, 2022 PASE - packages activemqApache ActiveMQ - message broker written in java ( )ansibleIT automation system ( )antApache Ant - tool for building Java applications ( )ant-docDocumentation files for Apache AntautoconfMacros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages Tags PASE BASH
By kimot, 25 December, 2022 BASH - Find To find file/s with specific name find /directory_to_search -name file_name when omitted QSYS.LIB find / -type d -name QSYS.LIB -prune -o -name 'file_name' -print or Tags PASE BASH
By kimot, 25 December, 2022 BASH - RPM command RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) command is used for installing, uninstalling, upgrading, querying, listing, and checking packages. Tags PASE BASH