ASP - CPF0907 - how to Change Storage Threshold

By kimot, 27 December, 2022

Change Storage Threshold for ASP is pretty simple. 

In SST you can use this options:
3. Work with disk units
2. Work with disk configuration
3. Work with ASP threshold

On this screen you can set threshold for every ASP on your LPAR

                       Select ASP to Change Threshold                
Type option, press Enter.                                            
                                  ----Protected---  ---Unprotected-- 
Option  ASP  Threshold  Overflow       Size  %Used       Size  %Used 
          1      90%    No          7625915 69.37%          0  0.00% 
          2      90%    No          7271245 71.36%          0  0.00%

If this value is exceeded system will send a CPF0907 message (Serious storage condition may exist. Press HELP) to the QSYSOPR message queue and to the system log.

                         Additional Message Information                         
 Message ID . . . . . . :   CPF0907       Severity . . . . . . . :   80         
 Message type . . . . . :   Information                                         
 Date sent  . . . . . . :   07/01/22      Time sent  . . . . . . :   17:40:22   
 Message . . . . :   Serious storage condition may exist. Press HELP.           
 Cause . . . . . :   The amount of available auxiliary storage in the system    
   auxiliary storage pool has reached the threshold value. This is a            
   potentially serious system condition. The auxiliary storage capacity is      
   10515690553344 bytes.  The auxiliary storage used is 9464125743104 bytes.    
   The threshold is 90.000000 percent.  The auxiliary storage available is      
   9.999959 percent.                                                            
 Recovery  . . . :   Use the WRKSYSSTS command to monitor the amount of storage 
   used. The use of storage can be reduced by the following actions: Save       
   objects by specifying STG(*FREE); delete any unused objects.  Save the old   
   log versions of QHST that are not currently used and then delete them;       
   either write or delete spooled files on the system. Failure to reduce the    
   storage usage may lead to a situation requiring initialization of auxiliary  
   storage and loss of user data.  The System Service Tools function can be     
   used to display and change the threshold value. See the Recovering your      
   system book, SC41-5304, for more information.