To find file/s with specific name
find /directory_to_search -name file_name
when omitted QSYS.LIB
find / -type d -name QSYS.LIB -prune -o -name 'file_name' -print
find / -type d -name QSYS.LIB -prune -o -print | grep 'file_name'
find / -path /QSYS.LIB -prune -o -name 'file_name' -print
To find files with specific permission in current directory
find . -perm 0600
To search in several directories
find manual clients proposals -perm -0600
To find files changed during latest 24 hours
find . -ctime 1
To find regular files with multiple links
find . -type f -links +1
To search for all files that are exactly 414 bytes in length
find . -size 414c
To find file/s containing inside specific string
find directory_to_search -type f -exec grep -l "specific_string" {} \;
To find files older than x days and sort result by date/time
find /some_path_to_search/ -mtime +365 -printf "%T@ %Tc %p\n" | sort -n
To find and delete *.pdf files older than 30 days:
find /some_path_to_search/ -mtime +30 -type f -name ''*.pdf'' -delete
Usage : find [-H | -L] Path-list [Expression-list]
-H symbolic links are followed
-L symbolic link in library are followed
-amin n/-n/+n access time
-atime n/-n/+n access time (days)
-cmin n/-n/+n modification time
-ctime n/-n/+n modification time (days)
-cpio Device write into Device in cpio format
-ea if file has access control information or extended attributes set
- exec Command if Command return 0 as exit status
-follow symbolic and hard links are followed
-fstype Type if file belongs to file system of this type
-group Group if file belongs to specified Group
-inum n if file has i-node matching n
-links n if file has n links
-regex if entire pathname matches regular expression
-long prints all characters of each user/group
-ls print with statistics
-mmin n/-n/+n modification time
-mtime n/-n/+n modification time (days)
-name File
-newer File if current file is modified more recently than File
-ok Command (same as -exec)
-perm OctalNum if permission code matches OctalNum
-perm Mode
-print displays current path name
-prune stops the descent of the current path name if it is a directory
-size n if file is is n of blocks long (512 bytes)
-regex expression
-regextype Type Basic/Extend
-size nc file is exactly nc bytes long
-type Type b-block, c-character, d-directory, f-plain file, l-symbolic link, p-FIFO, s-socket
-u User file belong specified user
-xdev prevent find from traversing a file system different from one specified by Path parameter