First create or check if exists logfile and config file on bash:
touch /var/log/syslog.log
touch /QOpenSys/etc/syslog.conf
Edit Syslog config file:
EDTF '/QOpenSys/etc/syslog.conf'
It should contain information where log file remains /var/log/syslog.log
*.info /var/log/syslog.log
Then edit SSHD config file:
EDTF '/QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/SC1/OpenSSH/etc/sshd_config'
Under # Logging section shoul be
LogLevel INFO
or another level of logging DEBUG e.g
To start syslog daemon run this command:
QSH CMD('/usr/sbin/syslogd')
Now you can check is /var/log/syslog.log is filling with informations about users logged by SSHD
Syslog daemon should run under QINTER subsystem
You can end this job if you want to stop syslog daemon.
Another option to stop syslog daemon is by PASE
First check syslog daemon process number in /QOpenSys/etc/ file
or by command in bash
ps -ef | grep syslogd
Then just run kill with_process_number in bash
If logging doesn't work properly you can try to restart sshd server
-a Suppresses the reverse host name lookup for the messages coming from the remote host
-A Specifies additional logs that the syslogd daemon checks. By default, the syslogd daemon checks the /dev/log file for messages
-d Turns on debugging
-s Specifies to forward a "shortened" message to another system
-n Suppresses the "Message forwarded from <log_host_name>: " string added to the beginning of the syslog message that is forwarded to a remote log host
-N Suppresses logging of priority and facility information for each log message
-r Suppresses logging of messages received from remote hosts
-m Specifies the number of minutes between the mark command messages
-p Specifies an alternate path name for the datagram socket
-f Specifies an alternate configuration file
-M Specifies not to suppress duplicate messages in logfile. This flag is valid only if used with the all argument.
Facility names kern|user|mail|daemon|auth|syslog|lpr|news|uucp|local0..local7|*
Priority levels emerg|alert|crit|err|warning|notice|info|debug|none