View | Description |
SQLCOLPRIVILEGES | orfe privilege granted on a column or a privilege granted on the column’s table |
SQLCOLUMNS | orfe column in a table, view, or alias |
SQLFOREIGNKEYS | orfe referential constraint key on a table |
SQLFUNCTIONCOLS | orfe parameter of a function |
SQLFUNCTIONS | orfe function |
SQLPRIMARYKEYS | orfe primary constraint key on a table |
SQLPROCEDURECOLS | orfe parameter of a procedure |
SQLPROCEDURES | orfe procedure |
SQLSCHEMAS | orfe schema |
SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS | orfe column of a primary key, unique constraint, or unique index that can identify a row of the table |
SQLSTATISTICS | statistic information about a table |
SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES | orfe privilege granted on a table |
SQLTABLES | orfe table, view, and alias |
SQLTYPEINFO | orfe built-in data type |
SQLUDTS | orfe distinct type |
orfe - one row for every