IPL - System codes

By kimot, 24 December, 2022
IPL  SRC   Function Performed
C1xx 1xxx  Service Processor ROS IPL in progress
C1xx 1006  Service processor ROS loading RAM from MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1007  Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1008  Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from non-MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1009  Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from non-MFIOP directed device
C1xx 1016  Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from MFIOP default device
C1xx 1018  Service Processor ROS attempting to load RAM from non-MFIOP default device
C1xx 1019  Service Processor ROS retrying attempt to load RAM from non-MFIOP default device
C1xx 100C  Service processor ROS IPL complete, branch to RAM Loader
C1xx 1030  Loading Service Processor system LIC from MFIOP device
C1xx 1050  Loading Service Processor system LIC from non-MFIOP device
C1xx 2001  Service Processor is setting up to test and load system processor
C1xx 2002  Service processor is testing system processor and main storage
C1xx 2003  Service processor is loading system processor
C100 2034  LIC (system) has been initialized; control has passed to system processor
C1xx 2050  Service Processor is waiting for Load Source device
C1xx 2060  Service Processor started a read command from Load Source
C1xx 2090  Service Processor completed a read command from load source
C1xx 80xx  Service Processor/Control Panel communication in progress
C1xx 805x  Service Processor is loading Control Panel LIC
C1xx B1xx  Basic assurance test completed on MFIOP
C100 D009  LIC (system) running initialization
C200 1xxx  Secondary Partition Early IPL Initialization Phase
C200 1100  Adding partition resources to the secondary configuration
C200 11FF  Partition resources added successfully
C200 2xxx  Secondary Partition SPCN Tower Power ON Phase
C200 1200  Checking if IPL is allowed
C200 12FF  Partition IPL is allowed to proceed
C200 1300  Initializing ISL roadmap
C200 13FF  ISL roadmap initialized successfully
C200 1400  Initializing SP Communication Area #1
C200 1410  Initializing IPL parms
C200 14FF  IPL parms initialized successfully
C200 3xxx  Secondary Partition Bus Unit ISL Phase
C200 3100  Validating ISL command parameters
C200 3111  Waiting for Bus object to become operational
C200 3112  Waiting for bus unit to become disabled
C200 3150  Sending ISL command to bus unit
C200 31FF  Waiting for ISL command completion
C200 32FF  ISL Command complete successfully
C200 4xxx  Secondary Partition Load Source Device Connection Phase
C200 4100  Waiting for load source device to enlist
C200 4200  Load source device has enlisted
C200 4300  Preparing connection to load source device
C200 43FF  Load source device is connected
C200 5xxx  Secondary Partition Main Storage Dump Phase
C200 5100  Preparing to initiate MSD phase
C200 5110  Loading SID 82 from load source device
C200 5115  MSD Phase I
C200 5120  Writing processor registers into SID 82
C200 5125  MSD Phase II
C200 5130  Writing mainstore pages to the load source device
C200 5135  MSD Phase III
C200 5140  Storing (final) SID 82 back to the load source device
C200 5150  Allocating the hardware page table
C200 51FF  MSD processing complete
C200 6xxx  Secondary Partition Load LIC from Load Source Phase
C200 6000  Locating First LID information on the loadsource
C200 6010  Locating Next LID information on the loadsource
C200 6020  Verifying LID information
C200 6030  Priming LP Configuration LID
C200 6040  Preparing to initiate LID load from loadsource
C200 6050  LP Configuration LID primed successfully
C200 6060  Waiting for LID load to complete
C200 6100  LID load completed successfully
C200 7xxx  Secondary Partition Load Source Device Disconnection Phase
C200 7100  Disconnecting from load source device
C200 7110  Preparing to remove the load source IOP from the primary partition
C200 7120  Load source IOP has been successfully removed from the primary partition
C200 71FF  Load source is successfully disconnected
C200 8xxx  Secondary Partition Start Processors Phase
C200 8100  Initializing SP Communication Area #2
C200 8104  Loading data structures into mainstore
C200 8110  Initializing event paths
C200 8120  Starting processors
C200 81FF  Processors started successfully, now waiting to receive the continue acknowledgment from SLIC
C200 8200  Continue acknowledgment received from SLIC
C200 82FF  VSP IPL complete successfully
C3xx xxxx  System Processor or Main Storage Diagnostic in progress
C5xx xxxx  LIC system hardware initialization
C500 C92B  Waiting for console device - error condition only if console not found
C6xx 1800  LIC SPCN setup
C600 3900  SP transfer control of Bus 1 (BCU Switch) to LIC is Complete and LIC Machine Facilities component is initialized
C600 3910  LIC has initiated PCI Bus Reset to all Bus 1 devices except the SP
C600 3911  LIC has initiated self-test of all Bus 1 devices except the SP
C600 3912  LIC is initiating IPL of the Load Source IOP
C600 3913  LIC is initializing the Load Source IOP messaging functions
C600 3914  LIC has detected a Load Source IOP problem and is resetting the IOP, or the IOP has requested a reset after an internal Flash memory LIC update
C600 3915  LIC has initiated the Load Source IOP self-load
C600 3916  During self-load, the Load Source IOP signaled LIC that it is initiating an internal Flash Memory update or other critical function
C600 3917  The Load Source IOP has completed IPL of its operational load, LIC is waiting for the IOP to report its attached IO resources
C600 4001  Static paging
C600 4002  Start limited paging, call LID manager
C600 4003  Initialize IPL/Termination (IT) data area / set up node address communication area (NACA) pointer
C600 4004  Check and update MSD SID
C600 4005  Initialize event management is running
C600 4006  IPL all buses
C600 4007  Start error log ID
C600 4008  Initialize I/O service
C600 4009  Initialize I/O machine
C600 4010  Initialize IDE (interactive device exerciser)
C600 4011  Initialize remote services
C600 4012  Initialize RMAC component data values
C600 4013  Initialize context management
C600 4014  Initialize RM (component) seize lock
C600 4015  Initialize MISR
C600 4016  Set time of day
C600 4017  Initialize RM (component) process management
C600 4018  Initialize error log
C600 4019  Restart the service processor
C600 4020  Initialize machine services
C600 4021  Initialize performance data collector
C600 4022  Initialize event management
C600 4023  Create MI boundary manager tasks
C600 4024  Disable CPM
C600 4025  Initializes battery test
C600 4026  Hardware card checkout
C600 4027  Start integrated device exerciser (Type C IPL only)
C600 4028  Start DST
C600 4029  Make IPL task not critical
C600 4030  Free static storage
C600 4031  Destroy IPL task
C600 4032  Initialize Integrated File System descriptor management
C600 4033  Initialize LPAR Virtual I/O
C600 4050  Storage management recovery is running
C600 4051  Start LOG is running
C600 4052  Trace table initialization is running
C600 4053  Context rebuild is running
C600 4054  Start product activity log and Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) is running
C600 4055  Authority recovery is running
C600 4056  Journal recovery is running
C600 4057  Database recovery is running
C600 4058  Journal synchronization is running
C600 4059  Commit recovery is running
C600 4060  Database initialization is running
C600 4061  Journal IPL clean up is running
C600 4062  Commit initialization is running
C600 4064  System Object Model ? (SOM) recovery is running
C600 4065  Start operating system is running
C600 4100  Searching for Load Source Candidate (D-mode only)
C600 4101  Opening media-file to install LIC service displays with proper National Language Version
C600 4102  Loading and linking from media-file to install LIC service displays with proper National Language Version
C600 4201  Storage management recovery
C600 4204  Synchronization of mirrored MSD
C6xx 4205  Synchronization of mirrored data (where xx is percent complete).
C600 4240  Reclaim main storage
C600 4250  Storage management subset directory recovery
C600 4255  Defragmentation utility
C600 4260  Storage management directory recovery
C600 4272  ASP overflow recovery
C600 4300  Static paging is available for the link loader
C600 4301  Applying temporary PTFs. If the IPL stops at this point, you might need to install the Licensed Internal Code again.
C600 4302  Applying modules. If the IPL stops at this point, you might need to install the Licensed Internal Code might again.
C600 4303  Temporarily applied PTFs have reached the static paging phase
C600 432A  Resolving references to run Mode A; you can safely stop the system while it is doing this work.
C600 432B  Resolving references to run Mode B. You may safely stop the system while it is doing this work.
C600 4330  Full paging is available; workstation HRI processing
C600 4331  Freeing unused nucleus pages
C600 4332  Permanently applying PTFs. If the IPL stops at this point, you may need to install the Licensed Internal Code again.

Main Storage Dump IPL SRCs:
C6xx 4400  Unattended DASD checker started
C6xx 4401  Attended DASD checker started
C600 4402  Main storage dump manager and storage management recovery started
C600 4403  Storage management recovery ended
C6xx 4404  LIC log started (where xx is dump copy percent completed).
C600 4405  Dump auto copy completed. Shutdown or programmed IPL has started.
C600 4406  Shutdown or programmed IPL (MSD related) has started.

Continuously Powered Main Storage (CPM) IPL SRCs:
C6xx 4410  Unattended DASD checker started
C6xx 4411  Attended DASD checker started
C600 4412  Storage management recovery started
C600 4414  LIC log started
C600 4416  Shutdown or programmed (CPM-related) IPL has started

Dedicated Service Tools (DST) SRCs for Attended IPLs:
C600 4500  Verifying network attributes
C600 4501  Looking for the console
C600 4502  Starting DST display task
C600 4503  Checking possible machine-readable information (MRI) on media
C600 4504  Verifying system serial number
C600 4505  Verifying system type
C600 4506  Verifying system-unique ID (OS/400 only
C600 4507  Starting 'before DST' DASD checker
C600 4508  Verifying system password (if DASD check OK; if not OK this is checked when IPLing past DST)
C600 4509  Starting DASD migration function (only if migrating)
C600 450A  Starting 'after DST' DASD checker (can happen twice)
C600 450C  DST IPL status

Dedicated Service Tools (DST) SRCs for Unattended IPLs:
C600 4500  Verifying network attributes
C600 4504  Verifying system serial number
C600 4505  Verifying system type
C600 4506  Verifying system-unique ID (OS/400 only)
C600 4508  Verifying system password (if DASD check OK)
C600 450A  Starting 'after DST' DASD checker

Licensed Internal Code (LIC) SRCs for IPLs:
C600 4A57  Parallel database recovery is at Pass 1
C600 4A60  Parallel database initialization is at Pass 1
C600 4B57  Parallel database recovery is at Pass 2
C600 4B60  Parallel database initialization is at Pass 2
C600 4C57  Parallel database recovery is at Pass 3
C600 4C60  Parallel database initialization is at Pass 3
C600 4F57  The system is recovering all database objects. This step can take several hours. It can occur any time when database recovery is in progress.
C600 4F60  The system is examining all objects during database initialization. It can occur any time when database initialization is in progress.

At this point LIC initialization is complete, and operating system starts. All hardware is verified.

OS/400 (only) operating system SRCs:
C900 2810  Reclaim machine context
C900 2820  Resolve system objects
C900 2825  Convert Work Control Block Table
C900 2830  System value object
C900 28C0  Prepare SPCF job
C900 28C5  Initialize system objects
C900 2910  Start system logging
C900 2920  Library and object information repository (OIR) cleanup
C900 2925  Verify POSIX** root directories
C900 2930  Database cross-reference
C900 2940  Console configuration
C900 2950  Install complex objects
C900 2960  Sign on processing
C900 2965  Software Management Services (SMS) initialization
C900 2967  Applying PTFs
C900 2968  IPL options
C900 2970  Database recovery part 1, journal recovery part 1
C900 2973  This recovery step attempts to perform any needed recovery for Database files that were definitionally being changed, created or deleted when an abnormal system end occurred.
C900 2976  This recovery step verifies the object recovery list performs any needed recovery for Journals and Journal Receivers.
C900 2978  This IPL Status SRC is displayed when SRCs C900 2A70 - C900 2976 have been completed
C900 2980  Storage requirements
C900 2990  Performance adjustments
C900 29A0  System control block
C900 29B0  Spool initialization
C900 29C0  Work control block table
C900 2A80  Before starting system jobs
C900 2A85  Bringing up POSIX SAG
C900 2A87  POSIX SAG restart and signals initialization
C900 2A90  Starting system jobs
C900 2A95  Abnormal Work Control Block Table cleanup
C900 2AA0  Damage Notification
C900 2AA1  This recovery step either rolls back or completes certain uncompleted Database operations that were run under Commitment Control
C900 2AA2  This recovery completes certain Journal operations that were in progress when the system ended processing
C900 2AA3  This recovery sends messages to QHST for Database files that may have been damaged by a system end
C900 2AA3  This recovery sends messages to QHST for Database files that may have been damaged by a system end
C900 2AA4  This IPL Status SRC is displayed when SRCs C900 2AA0 - C900 2AA3 have been completed
C900 2AA5  Integrated File System/New File System (NFS) directory recovery
C900 2AB0  Database Recovery part 2
C900 2AC0  Document Library Object (DLO) recovery
C900 2B10  Establish event monitors
C900 2B30  QLUS job
C900 2B40  Device configuration
C900 2C10  After system arbiter
C900 2C20  SNADS recovery
C900 2C25  ZMF component (Mail Enablement (OeDS) Framework) recovery
C900 2C40  Work Control Block Table cleanup
C900 2F00  IPL Complete
