Table/View | Description |
SYSCATALOGS | orfe relational database that a user can connect to |
SYSCHKCST | orfe check constraint in the SQL schema |
SYSCOLAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a column |
SYSCOLUMNS | orfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema |
SYSCOLUMNS2 | orfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema |
SYSCOLUMNS2_SESSION | orfe column of each table and view in the SESSION (or QTEMP) schema |
SYSCOLUMNSTAT | orfe column in a table partition/member that has a column statistics collection |
SYSCONTROLS | orfe row permission or column mask defined by the CREATE PERMISSION or CREATE MASK statements |
SYSCONTROLSDEP | dependencies of row permissions and column masks |
SYSCST | orfe constraint in the SQL schema |
SYSCSTCOL | columns on which constraints are defined |
SYSCSTDEP | tables on which constraints are defined |
SYSDUMMY1 | contains exactly one row |
SYSFIELDS | orfe column that has a field procedure |
SYSFUNCS | orfe function created by the CREATE FUNCTION statement |
SYSHISTORYTABLES | orfe history table, whether or not the history table is part of an established versioning relationship |
SYSINDEXES | orfe index in the SQL schema created using the SQL CREATE INDEX statement, including indexes on the SQL catalog |
SYSINDEXSTAT | orfe SQL index partition |
SYSJARCONTENTS | orfe class defined by a jarid in the SQL schema |
SYSJAROBJECTS | orfe jarid in the SQL schema |
SYSKEYS | orfe column of an index in the SQL schema, including the keys for the indexes on the SQL catalog |
SYSMQTSTAT | orfe materialized table partition |
SYSPACKAGE | orfe SQL package in the SQL schema |
SYSPACKAGEAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a package |
SYSPACKAGESTAT | orfe SQL package in the SQL schema |
SYSPACKAGESTMTSTAT | orfe SQL statement in every SQL package |
SYSPARMS | orfe parameter of a procedure created by the CREATE PROCEDURE statement or function created by the CREATE FUNCTION statement |
SYSPARTITIONDISK | orfe disk unit used to store data of every table partition or table member |
SYSPARTITIONINDEXDISK | orfe disk unit used to store the index data of every table partition or table member |
SYSPARTITIONINDEXES | orfe index built over a table partition or table member |
SYSPARTITIONINDEXSTAT | orfe index built over a table partition or table member |
SYSPARTITIONMQTS | orfe materialized table built over a table partition or table member |
SYSPARTITIONSTAT | orfe table partition or table member |
SYSPERIODS | orfe period defined for a temporal table in an SQL schema |
SYSPROCS | orfe procedure created by the CREATE PROCEDURE statement |
SYSPROGRAMSTAT | orfe program, service program, and module that contains SQL statements |
SYSPROGRAMSTMTSTAT | orfe embedded SQL statement in a program, module, or service program |
SYSREFCST | orfe foreign key in the SQL schema |
SYSROUTINEAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a routine |
SYSROUTINEDEP | dependencies of routines |
SYSROUTINES | orfe procedure created by the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and each function created by the CREATE FUNCTION statement |
SYSSCHEMAAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a schema |
SYSSCHEMAS | orfe schema in the relational database |
SYSSEQUENCEAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a sequence |
SYSSEQUENCES | orfe sequence object in the SQL schema |
SYSTABAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a table or view |
SYSTABLEDEP | dependencies of materialized query tables |
SYSTABLEINDEXSTAT | orfe index that has at least one partition or member built over a table |
SYSTABLES | orfe table, view or alias in the SQL schema |
SYSTABLESTAT | orfe table that has at least one partition or member |
SYSTRIGCOL | orfe column either implicitly or explicitly referenced in the WHEN clause or the triggered SQL statements of a trigger |
SYSTRIGDEP | orfe object referenced in the WHEN clause or the triggered SQL statements of a trigger SYSTRIGGERS orfe trigger in an SQL schema |
SYSTRIGUPD | orfe column identified in the UPDATE column list, if any |
SYSTYPES | orfe built-in data type and each distinct type and array type created by the CREATE TYPE statement |
SYSUDTAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a type |
SYSVARIABLEAUTH | orfe privilege granted on a global variable |
SYSVARIABLEDEP | dependencies of variables |
SYSVARIABLES | orfe global variable |
SYSVIEWDEP | dependencies of views on tables, including the views of the SQL catalog |
SYSVIEWS | orfe view in the SQL schema, including the views of the SQL catalog |
SYSXSROBJECTAUTH | orfe privilege granted on an XML schema |
XSRANNOTATIONINFO | orfe annotation in an XML schema to record the table and column information about the annotation |
XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS | orfe component (document) in an XML schema |
XSROBJECTHIERARCHIES | orfe component (document) in an XML schema to record the XML schema document hierarchy relationship |
XSROBJECTS | orfe registered XML schema |
orfe - one row for each/every
oromfe - one row or more for each/every